Welcome! Register to learn more about joining our national community of real estate investors.
Within our real estate investing team, we train people with no experience to people who have been working in the real estate field for many years. So it's not important what experience you have! This Thursday evening at 6:45pm, we will be hosting an online introduction to talk about the biggest money-making opportunities in real estate investing. Whether you want to learn Wholesaling, Fix and Flips, Buy & Holds, Seller Financed Notes, Tax Liens/Deeds, Multi-Family, Becoming a private lender, then you don't want to miss this webinar. Learn how to take control of your TIME and MONEY through Real Estate Investing. Meet like-minded people in the community. RSVP at https://nycreisuccess1.eventbrite.com and we will send you the webinar link. Thank you, Team REISuccess
We found out some cool info today about Renatus, the awesome education company we represent if you are deciding on whether to join Renatus or not.
Renatus has averaged 249% growth over the last 3 years. Inc. 5000 placed Renatus at #1523 in the Inc. 5000 fastest growing companies in the United States. With over 62,000,000 companies competing for a spot, what a great feeling to be included in the top 5000 growing companies in the United States of America!!! If you are wondering what makes Renatus so great, you need to check out an orientation from the CEO. Inc 5000 reported that revenue over the last 3 years was $11.5m, and with 70% of revenue going back to the Renatus community, that's just over $8 Million Dollars that Bob Snyder is paying back out to the Renatus community. This is what makes Renatus awesome! We all have the ability to get paid well, and so can YOU! Come learn how you can earn $1000-$10,000 per sale and so much more info, there's no cap on how much income you can earn!! Renatus is a company founded on solid ethical and financial principles. If you are thinking about changing your life, walking away from that 97% of people stuck in the rat race, let us say this... The value and amount of wealth building and real estate education that we receive as students is simply incredible while the relationships that we have built with Renatus community members and the relationships we will keep on building with the Renatus community can last you a LIFETIME. Renatus is an incredible opportunity for you to work at home, earn while you learn how to build wealth with real estate, actually go out there and work on real estate transactions individually or as a group, and build relationships with like minded individuals nationwide, for life. Bob Snyder, you have been an amazing leader and we sincerely thank you for everything that you have done to build this amazing company. If you know you want to get started working with us, sign up here, and to learn more, Visit http://MyREISuccess.com. Sincerely, Ram J. Mishra, Team REI Success #RenatusRocks #RealEstateInvesting #WorkAtHome #Build Wealth Christian George is the newest of the amazing Renatus Instructors. As a business proprietor and seasoned escrow officer, he adds an amazing breadth and depth of knowledge to the Renatus Education.
RSVP at christiangeorge.eventbrite.com Christian is the owner operator of a fine eatery and Ogden, Utah staple, the Prairie Schooner. As a business owner and seasoned escrow officer he has learned the benefits of entrepreneurialism. In sharing his knowledge it becomes clear that his point of view revolves around his experiences and is supported by his knowledge. Christian's class is the newest in the Renatus Line-Up, Title, Escrow & Closing. This class encompasses what happens before, at and after the closing table. This class is dedicated to walking through the entire scope of an escrow officer and sheds light onto the laws and regulations that guide every real estate transaction. Here's the topics on what you can learn from Christian's Class on Friday evening and Full Day Saturday Learn all about how properties are Titled and what you need to know as a real estate investor that can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars * Title Insurance - what you need to know, how to save money on yours * Escrow Strategies, how to manage yours properly * All aspects of Closing properties properly * What mistakes investors make and how to avoid them * Christian got RAVE reviews for his class by Bob Snyder & all of the Founding Board Members of Renatus - We are very excited that he is coming to Chicago! * And much more!!! Christian George the instructor has been a licensed real estate agent for 17 years and an active as an Escrow Officer for 10 years in Utah. Mr. George completed his undergraduate degree in Public Policy from the University of Chicago and earned his Masters of Business Administration from the University of Utah. He was worked in all facets of real estate sales and finance from new construction, to land investment and apartments to commercial lending and strip center ownership and management. Currently Christian owns and operates Fine Dining Restaurant called the Prairie Schooner Steak House in Ogden, Utah, in addition to being active in the Real Estate and Title Business. He is excited to return to Chicago and discuss his passion, Real Estate Investing. Who Can Benefit From This Workshop? * Current Real Estate Investors * Aspiring Real Estate Investors * Anyone that ever wants to do a real estate deal in Illinois of any kind * People wanting to learn more about making quick money in real estate (referral fees, commissions, wholesale deals, etc.) * Anyone Looking To Honestly, Legally, & Ethically raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for real estate Congratulations to Taryn McKennie of ArCHI Acquisitions, one of our new Renatus featured investors. She recently closed on a deal and is working on 2 shortsales, 1 wholesale transaction, and acquiring a 3 unit that she intends to rehab and turn into a buy and hold. Check Out Taryn's Two Most Recent Deals:
Deal #1 Got the property under contract for a $1. Contract Price: $26,900 Wholesale Price: $36,900 Profit: $6,137 Deal #2 Got the property under contract subject to existing mortgage with $0 upfront. Expects to wholesale the property and make $5K. Deal #3 - Short Sale Homeowner Owes: $120K Offer in at: $17K Repairs: $40K ARV: $136K Expects to wholesale the property and make $10K Deal #4 - Short Sale Homeowner Owes: $171K Offer in at: $43K Repairs: $60K ARV: $180K Expects to fix and flip the property Deal #5 - 3 Unit in Foreclosure Has an offer in at $70K and expects to make a $10K wholesale fee. If you interested in learning more about our investment group then visit http://www.REISuccess.com and register!! Have you been to a cash flow game & networking night yet? Team REISuccess invites you to come play cash flow, learn how to get out of the rat race, run a successful business and network with local Renatus community members. Don't have a local Renatus community? We'll help you start one...just become an affiliate to start a new group in your area, it's easy! To learn more, you can go to our Live Events page to look for live events in your state or watch a webinar to learn more about making money working with our national community of real estate investors.
Do you live in New York? Check out pictures from last week's orientation in New York City. We help organize Real Estate Investing Events around New York City. Learn how and where to invest in real estate, build your own real estate portfolio, and learn how you can get paid $1000-$6850 for referring new associates!!. We don't just teach real estate investing, we help create successful real estate investors and we need your help in advertising and organizing these events. RSVP today at http://newyorkreisuccess.eventbrite.com/
![]() Are you too busy or too lazy to attend a LIVE orientation? If so, no problem!! We just opened up registrations for our 24/7 Recorded Webinar Orientations. We want you to get the information needed to make an informed decision. We would love to introduce you to some of our partners from around the nation. This business is all about training and investing in Real Estate. This is not about being an agent, but about becoming a Real Estate INVESTOR but we have many agents and brokers on our team that you can work with. In addition, we also have a sales and marketing platform that generates serious commissions. You can choose to do either or both. This is about being your own boss and making the proper changes to drastically change your future. To register for our 24/7 National Recorded Webinar, please click this link: https://reisuccessorientationreplay.eventbrite.com/ LOOK, our business is a real business, we are real people and we want you to be too, so once you register, we will ask you to confirm your registration info by email or phone. Once you have attended both the orientation and a follow up meeting, then you will have all the information you need to decide if you want to get started working with our national community of real estate investors! ![]() Renatus- Renatus CEO and Founder Bob Snyder is turning this coming Founder's Webinar over to none other than Mr. Scott Rowe. Scott leads one of the highest producing teams in the Nation! He is able to lead others to recreate the same success that he has. His amazing leadership is founded upon his development of The Attitude of Success! Passion is an essential key to a successful business. Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life. Be sure that every member of your team and community is online. This Webinar is staged to change lives, create wealth and prosperity. This training is reserved for those leaders willing to guide their teams to massive success. In creating Renatus, Bob Snyder has developed the path of our success predicated on our motivation. Are you ready to create your massive success? Don't miss your chance to learn from the best. Register now for the next Founder’s Webinar! This Saturday, 2/8/2014, our local team learned how in 5 months Javoski put himself on track to never have to work, again. Javoski is a Navy Veteran, and when he joined the Renatus community in April of 2013 at 25 years old, he knew very little about real estate investing and wasn't sure how he was going to generate income after dropping out of college. Now he is on pace to make over $7,000 in February. As a new real estate investor, he has consistently been making money every month and now Javoski also owns part of 97 properties that generate rental income. What do you think of this new real estate entrepreneur and his plan for achieving financial freedom?
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September 2020